Friday, January 15, 2010


After much consideration, I have decided to create a blog by which to document the many discoveries I make. There are many remedies out there, many bogus, many promising, but the issue is finding unbiased & reputable information that give weight to the claims. After recently making a long post about the benefits of a particular herb, I saw that the demand for such information with sources is high. Wikipedia might offer a framework by which to "install" information, but it has its limitations as to the amount of work people want to put into it, as well as a rather low connectivity between information when it comes to certain topics.

It is my aspiration with this blog to make information both concise and enjoyable, for so much promise is held in alternative healthcare, yet so much of it warrants considerable reading. It has been a passion for a long time to do these readings, as such, writing summaries about particular findings is not too much to ask.

I will start by announcing my affiliation with ImmInst, I am merely a member, but their desire for finding a way to reduce the impact of aging is something I too hold. So my natural inclination will be towards products which impact health in a positive manner. However, my statements are not represented by them, so any error on my part is mine alone.

With that said, I will offer a service to the readers. If there is an herb or supplement which I missed, or you merely want more cover of, I will do the particular reading and summarize it. I hope what I have to offer will be enjoyed.

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