Saturday, January 23, 2010

Omega 3 Fatty Acids

"n−3 fatty acids are thought by some to have membrane-enhancing capabilities in brain cells. One medical explanation is that n−3 fatty acids play a role in the fortification of the myelin sheaths. Not coincidentally, n−3 fatty acids comprise approximately eight percent of the average human brain according to Dr. David Horrobin, a pioneer in fatty acid research." (Wikipedia Entry: Omega 3 Fatty Acids)

Omega 3 fatty acids are an essential fatty acid[1], which many Westerners are deficient in[2][3]. America is well-known for its main crop, corn. It can be found in just about anything, from breakfast foods to sport drinks, primarily in the form of High Fructose Corn syrup. It is known that corn is abundant in Omega 6 fatty acids[3]. There exists an antagonism between these fatty acids[1], making it necessary to increase omega 3 fatty acids in the diet.

- Brain health[4]
- ADHD[5]
- Heart Health[6]
- Inflammation[7]
- Cholesterol Regulation[7]
- Immune Health[8]

"Persons with congestive heart failure, chronic recurrent angina pectoris or evidence that their heart is receiving insufficient blood flow are advised to talk to their doctor before taking n−3 fatty acids." (Wikipedia: Omega 3 - Cardiac Risk)

[1] "Both n−3 and n−6 fatty acids are essential, i.e. humans must consume them in the diet. n−3 and n−6 compete for the same metabolic enzymes, thus the n−6:n−3 ratio will significantly influence the ratio of the ensuing eicosanoids (hormones), (e.g. prostaglandins, leukotrienes, thromboxanes etc.), and will alter the body's metabolic function." (Wikipedia Entry: Omega 3 Fatty Acids)

[2] "Typical Western diets provide ratios of between 10:1 and 30:1 - i.e., dramatically skewed toward n−6." (Wikipedia Entry: Omega 3 Fatty Acids)

[3] University of Maryland: Omega-6 fatty acids

[4] Wikipedia Entry: Omega 3 - Brain Health

[5] "Omega-3 fatty acids offer a promising complementary approach to standard treatments for ADHD and developmental coordination disorder.[64] Fish oils appear to reduce ADHD-related symptoms in some children.[64] Double blind studies have showed "medium to strong treatment effects of omega 3 fatty acids on symptoms of ADHD" after administering amounts around 1 gram for three to six months.[52][66][67]" (Wikipedia Entry: Omega 3 Fatty Acids)

[6] Wikipedia Entry: Omega 3 - Cardiovascular disease prevention

[7] "Research in 2005 and 2006 has suggested that the in-vitro anti-inflammatory activity of n−3 acids translates into clinical benefits. Cohorts of neck pain patients and of rheumatoid arthritis sufferers have demonstrated benefits comparable to those receiving standard NSAIDs.[citation needed] Those who follow a Mediterranean-style diet tend to have less heart disease, higher HDL ("good") cholesterol levels[56] and higher proportions of n−3 in tissue highly unsaturated fatty acids.[57]" (Wikipedia Entry: Omega 3 Fatty Acids)

[8] "Another study regarding fish oil was published in the Journal of Nutrition in April 2007. Sixty four healthy Danish infants from nine to twelve months of age received either cow's milk or infant formula alone or with fish oil. It was found that those infants supplemented with fish oil had improvement in immune function maturation with no apparent reduction in immune activation." (Wikipedia Entry: Omega 3 Fatty Acids)

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